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Empowering Lives: Join Our Mission to Help Save Lives through Connection and Community – Celebrating 8 Years Of Service To The Recovery Community

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Your support of our nonprofit mission to help those with chronic and acute substance addiction find sustainable recovery without a financial barrier to entry that need it the most is vital to our continued success. Your donation today helps us ensure we are able to remain a non-profit life saving solution in a recovery community that has a dearth of affordable options for a drug free long-term high impact 12-Step peer mentoring driven process in a collaborative residential living environment. Please help us build our sustainable revenue for this year and for years to come!

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Support The Most Vulnerable Find Sustainable Recovery

Why Support Us?

There is a dearth of public funding available to Awakening Recovery as a drug free collaborative living recovery home in LA on the county, state and federal level.

Our chronic and acute substance addiction residents choose to live in a drug free recovery home having reached the stage in the progression of their substance addiction where they have used MAT (medication assisted treatment) as drugs of abuse instead of their prescribed purpose and/or have polysubstance addiction with both opioids and stimulants like cocaine and/or methamphetamine for which there currently isn’t any MAT available.

Awakening Recovery has the only nonprofit drug free recovery homes in LA with a year+ high impact peer mentoring and 12-Step based process focusing on sustainable behavior change, where residents can be in the same residential collaborative living environment for a year+, with the same people and process for their entire stay with no financial barrier to entry.

Our alumni support community are embedded in every level of our organization including weekly participation in resident house meetings, in-house and outside activities and individual recovery support. Alunni also regularly participate in alumni activities and fellowship to maintain their own recovery long-term, living service driven lives in their sobriety to give back what was freely given to them.

Planned Giving

You can develop your legacy at Awakening Recovery by creating a planned gift to benefit our organization. Awakening Recovery can be named as a direct beneficiary of specific assets, a portion of your estate, or your residual estate after payment of other bequests.

Your legacy will help sustain our organization and support our mission of providing a structured, life-changing path to sustainable recovery for people with chronic drug and alcohol addiction, offering access with no financial barriers.

Download our Planned Giving Intent Form

If you need a will you can visit and create a will for free. When you are creating your will you can easily include Awakening Recovery by typing our name and address (1310 N. Stanley Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046) under “other charity.”

In-Kind Donations

Contact Us Today at 424-209-7505 if you would like to make an in-kind donation.

Click Here for Donation Level Info


Help fund resident activities for one year


Fund random weekly drug and alcohol testing for two months


Help fund resident activities for one month


Fund a resident activity for one month


Fund resident meals for one day


Fund video meeting capability in the house for one month

Our year+ long drug free recovery home in a collaborative living environment gives our residents time to thaw out from their active addiction. 

Our high impact peer mentoring recovery home process from alumni with lived experiences focuses on  long-term behavior change in parallel with active 12-Step participation, together creating a transformative mind, body and spirit experience for residents.

Our drug free recovery home is life saving for our residents, where their chronic and acute poly-substance addiction over many years is often combined with using MAT (medically assisted treatment such as buprenorphine and methadone) as drugs of abuse.

Our weekly wellness activities such as yoga, breathwork meditation, recovery walking/running activities, and in-house gym and training help provide a whole person approach to recovery.

Our focus during the second half of our resident’s year+ long process in the house is on reintegration to their community as sober members of society through employment, building fellowship connections in the recovery community, mental health referrals as needed, relationship building with their family system, and developing coping skills to successfully live a transformed sober life.

Our Unique Approach and Process

A Mother and Son's Perspective
