Awakening Recovery's Executive Director and Co-Founder David Van Der Velde recently published a thought-provoking essay on how recovery from a substance use disorder is like a "Hero's Journey" paradigm.  Those of in recovery can become inspired by Joseph Campbell's paradigm and how it relates to  seeking long-term recovery from a substance use disorder.

Click here to view the full article originally posted on Thrive Global.

About half of those that experience a substance or alcohol use disorder (SUD and AUD respectively) also known as drug addiction and alcoholism, experience a co-occurring mental health disorder. Additionally, up to 75% of both men and women with AUD reported at least one type of childhood abuse and neglect.

Click here to view the full article originally posted on Thrive Global.

Growing up I was a seeker and had a sense of a Higher Power that today I choose to call God.  As I experienced my childhood and adolescent years, however, I lost most of that hope and faith in the face of trauma and engaging in my active drug addiction and alcoholism.  As I eventually “hit bottom” in my alcoholism/addiction, regularly putting myself in life threatening and demoralizing situations to get high, I wasn’t so much afraid of dying as of continuing to exist with this giant black hole in my heart, where God used to live.  I believe a combination of desperation and what I now call grace (an undeserved gift) allowed me to find my recovery at 19 years old – and now can proudly say I have been sober with my 12-Step community now for over 33 years.

To read more, click here to view the full article originally posted on Thrive Global.

It is a uniquely American way of thinking that a pill can fix us.  According to Consumer Reports, “The total number of prescriptions filled by all Americans, including adults and children, has increased by 85% over two decades, while the total U.S. population has increased by only 21%.” between 1997-2016 and this has only gotten worse over the last 5 years.

According to Harvard research in 2019, “The opioid crisis is not a global phenomenon but a uniquely American one – our residents use an estimated 30 times more opioids than is medically necessary, and we consume 99% of all hydrocodone in the world.” And according to the CDC in December of 2020 , “Over 81,000 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in the 12 months ending in May 2020, the highest number of overdose deaths ever recorded in a 12-month period”.

There are four main drugs used for MAT (medically assisted treatment), the “gold standard” by the NIH (National Institute of Health) for treating opioid addiction.  When properly dosed and managed, MAT can prevent opioid withdrawal, reduce cravings, and block or lessen the euphoric effects of other opioids such as heroin/fentanyl/Oxycodone.  The first three are used in detox and ongoing treatment and the fourth is primarily used as a means of reversing opioid overdoses:

Various studies, including systematic reviews of the research, have found that MAT can cut the all-cause mortality of opioid SUD (substance use disorder) by half or more.  So, it’s not surprising that various public health groups such as the CDC, NIDA (the National Institute on Drug Abuse), and the WHO recommend it.  There has also consequently been a passionate and escalating public outcry by family and friends who have lost loved ones to opioid overdoses for more access to these treatments, education, and less stigma, so others don’t have to go through the grief that they are left to endure.  There are some disadvantages to using Buprenorphine based MAT which should be considered, such as: 

Aside from these commonly discussed disadvantages, the following are some additional significant areas of concern about MAT as a long-term solution to opioid addiction recovery:



Nationally recognized interventionist Earl Hightower said in remarks at the 2014 National Rx Drug Abuse Summit on Medication Assisted Treatment for Opiate Addiction, “Hear me clearly, addiction has major neurological aspects, which for some people may be chronic or lifelong in duration. The more severe the brain dysfunction and the more protracted the course of recovery, the more likely it is the individual will need medications to achieve sustained sobriety.  I’m not against MAT…In fact, probably the best course of treatment for an opioid dependent person is to use medications, including buprenorphine to detox the individual and once fully detoxed, place them on Vivitrol, the long-acting, injectable naltrexone. Once stable, immerse them in a year or more of intensive psychosocial counseling, trauma and other mental health therapy, 12-step work, and close monitoring.I wholeheartedly agree that a holistic approach to recovery over a year plus period of time incorporating the elements that Earl Hightower mentions above provides the best long-term outcomes eventually through abstinence based recovery.It would be revolutionary if taking a pill could cure opioid addiction or any other SUD, but that just isn’t the case. As it says in the AA Big Book (the origin of all 12 step groups), “Physicians who are familiar with alcoholism agree there is no such thing as making a normal drinker out of an alcoholic. Science may one day accomplish this, but it hasn’t done so yet.” And even with the tremendous scientific and pharmaceutical advancements that have been made in the last 70+ years since the book Alcoholics Anonymous was written, this remains true today for both alcoholism and opioid addiction.  Over the last 33 years of my work with those seeking recovery from opioid addiction and other substance use disorders demonstrates they will either seek relief in their recovery or in their active addiction.  Regardless of those seeking recovery’s life experiences, they discover their active addiction provides a short-term fix for long-term existential maladies like self-loathing, apathy, broken relationships, lack of motivation and isolation, which is why while seeking recovery it is so crucial that you find a sense of connection and community with your sober support group.  If those seeking recovery aren’t willing to put as much effort into their recovery in all areas of their life (mind, body and spirit) as they did to pursue their active addiction they will find no lasting recovery.

Criminalization and incarceration of people with non-violent offenses that have co-occurring substance use disorder (SUD) and mental health disorders has created an expensive and self-perpetuating cycle of intergenerational trauma without society providing an adequate approach. We should be working on a “whole person” solution that would enable these individuals to heal holistically from the causes and conditions behind their crimes. When you address the root causes and build a livable foundation in recovery over time you can create a lasting solution to reduce recidivism, relapse into active addiction, forced mental health institutionalization, and chronic homelessness.

To read more about this topic, click here to view the full article originally posted on Thrive Global.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Many people struggle to find lasting recovery from their drug addiction and/or alcoholism. Abstinence based solutions for people with a substance use disorder (SUD) have proven to be very reliable and effective tactics for finding long-term sobriety. 

To read more about the sobering thoughts, facts, and research that supports the desperate need for and efficacy of long-term abstinence based recovery solutions for drug addiction and alcoholism, click here to view the full article originally posted on Thrive Global.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When I got sober 32 years ago at the age of 19, the holidays (for me Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years) were often referred to in 12-Step meetings as the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.”  Now, with the COVID-19 pandemic and the inherent isolation it brings, staying clean and sober through the holidays is even more challenging.  COVID-19 has also created a huge surge in overdose deaths in 2020, according to this AP story.

To read the full article, originally posted on Thrive Global, click here. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]At Awakening Recovery we believe alcoholism and drug addiction is a family disease as it effects the whole family. We highly recommend Al-Anon to all of our resident families during our family peer mentoring house meeting on Saturdays so they can begin healing in parallel with their residents. When the family is involved and supportive of their resident’s recovery path in the house it can greatly increase their chance of success long-term.

“Sixteen years after the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous, the wife of AA co-founder, Lois Wilson, and her founding partner, Anne B., established Al-Anon as an outlet for those feeling hopeless.”

To read more visit this excellent article on Eagle news website:

About the author:






David van der Velde is the Executive Director of Awakening Recovery[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]